NoXcuse 2
The spirit of this model is the name itself. When you're in competition mode, you have to go above and beyond what your competition is doing – it's the logic of winning.
Any of us think and say that we've got a desire to improve or win. It's one thing having that desire and intention, but another thing acting on it. Actions always take more effort and energy than words and thoughts! The best performers follow their intentions with action. There are NOXCUSE not to turn intentions to actions, and to go ahead to win.
Honor to all those who experience the exciting challenges in life or business, we named the serial model NOXCUSE. Once this watch is on your wrist, it will remind you – no excuse not to reach what you aim for – no excuse not to go ahead to act in order to achieve what you want.

High precision excellence
The NoXcuse 2 is all about mindset. The right materials for the right job. Titanium, carbon and glass fiber, all to keep the weight down and your focus on the task ahead.

Glass fiber & Titanium
Glass fiber & Titanium combination into striking the perfect balance in weight & performance for your watch's casing. All resulting in a lightweight and reliable time instrument to follow you on your next training or adventure.

Angular Stealth design
Inspired by Stealth Technology, the NX2's angular cuts and lines are perfect for any occasion. Be it attending an award ceremony to climbing Everest, the NX2 remain the eye-catcher showcasing your Extreme spirit.